Just US$20 can stop the pain of a patient facing severe debilitating pain for a whole month. A pain-free month can change the entire experience of patients and families facing life-limiting illnesses or diseases that threaten their quality of life.
The tragedy of untreated pain is particularly acute in India, however significant progress is being made thanks to hundreds of grassroots programs that urgently need your support.
Visit www.palliumindia.org and find out how just US$20 can provide a month’s pain relief to patients.
To support this cause, the Lien Foundation will provide US$100,000 to Pallium India. Half of the funds would go to buying pain relief medicine for the poor and the other half to train doctors and nurses in pain treatment.
Treat the Pain is a campaign administered by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) to advocate for high-quality pain treatment for all who need it throughout the world, and to connect those who would like to join the fight with meaningful actions. The Campaign uses the resources and voices of its members to promote and advocate for universal access to adequate pain relief.
Visit www.TreatThePain.com to find out how you can help prevent unnecessary suffering worldwide.
The morphine manifesto will be released on 4 Feb for World Cancer Day.
The manifesto calls for affordable immediate-release oral morphine to be made available to patients in pain in low- and middle-income countries before governments or healthcare organizations consider allowing sale of sustained release morphine or other more expensive opioids. Please not that this link is embargoed till 4 Feb.